Friday, September 21, 2012

The Ethical Lawyer

I recently attended a seminar which was an inspirational reminder of what it means to be a lawyer.  A lawyer who has been practicing throughout Oregon for 50 years put on a class about ethics, and the messages were so simple yet so very true.  The presentation was full of the words "diligence" "communication" "prompt" and "competent."  In this world where so very many people  are critical of lawyers' tactics and schemes, it was such a refreshing reminder of the very ethical and kind side of the law.  Not only should we attempt to make a living at this profession, but more importantly, we should aspire to enjoy the profession, and help provide access to justice for those who may otherwise be overlooked, or are at risk of being taken advantage of.

I am so glad that I've made it my practice to simply be nice to everyone with whom I come into contact.  Although I can be a competent and strong advocate for my clients, that does not mean I need to become aggressive or obnoxious, or say things that I will regret.  Oregon has such a small Bar comnpared to other states, and the way you treat one another always comes back to either haunt you or make you successful.  The same goes for clients, potential clients, and people you meet on the street.  Being kind and generous pays itself back in spades, and just feels so good. 

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